Hormonal Changes
During puberty, your hormones change and your skin produces more sebum, an oily substance that helps protect your skin from germs. Excess sebum can clog your hair follicles, trapping dead skin cells and bacteria that may cause acne.
Hormonal changes can also occur during pregnancy and in women after menopause. Acne flares up when these hormone levels reach a tipping point and trigger more stimulation of your sebaceous glands, leading to outbreaks.
Acne is a complex inflammatory skin condition that affects many parts of the body, most often the face, chest, shoulders and back. It’s caused by an oily substance called sebum, clogged hair follicles, inflammation and a number of other factors.
Even though you don’t have a specific “acne gene,” research has shown that your genetics can play a role in how often you get acne and what kind of breakouts you get. The good news is that there are seve
There is growing evidence that your diet can contribute to the development of acne. This is because your body needs certain nutrients to function properly.
When you don’t include the right types of foods in your diet, it can lead to excess oil, skin redness, and clogged pores. Moreover, the wrong kinds of fats can cause inflammation and worsen breakouts.