Understanding what we are feeling and why we are feeling it is a huge part of being human. Unfortunately, it isn’t always that simple. Many people struggle to come to terms with their emotions or even identify specific emotions and their causes. This can lead to being overwhelmed by them and even result in the breakdown of relationships. Talking therapies such as counselling are a great way for people to air out their struggle with emotions in a safe and confidential environment. By going over the details of events, circumstances and behaviours of ourselves and the people around us it can allow us to understand our feelings better. This will help us to deal with them and even put to bed some uncomfortable or distressing experiences that otherwise could have held us back.
Different Types of Counselling
One of the main reasons why counselling works for so many people is there are different types, including:
- Face to Face
- Telephone
- Group
- Individual
- Online
Having different options for counselling appeals to a broad range of people this making the entire process much easier and tailored to the individual’s needs. For example, if someone suffers from severe social anxiety, they may struggle to leave the house. Telephone or online counselling is the perfect solution for this type of circumstance. Or, if a person feels overwhelmed speak to a counsellor on a one-to-one, a group session with other people who are experiencing similar issues could be a great way for them to deal with their problem without feeling singled out.
Alternative to Confiding in Friends
It is commonly understood that a problem shared is a problem halved. Unfortunately, not everyone has someone they feel they can trust to confide in. Counselling offers an intimate relationship with someone who is there solely to listen to you and help you deal with your issue. Of course, there are people who have plenty of friends and family that they regularly confide in, that doesn’t mean that telling them all their problems is always an option. There are some things that if shared with certain people, may cause bigger problems. For example, if you are having issues with a partner of a relative that you usually confide in, it could make matters worse to involve them. Speaking to an impartial third party is a great method for working out your own issues and coming up with a plan together to resolve it.