How Using Adam Datasets Can Improve Your Therapy Clinic

What on earth are ADaM datasets?!

Clinical trial company, Formedix explains that: ADaM Datasets is translated to The Analysis Data Model (ADaM). This model outlines how to create analysis data sets – which can be used for figured, listings, tables, diagrams, anything that will help a researcher collect and understand his data.

So now we have that covered, this blog will explain why your clinic needs to implement adam datasets.

Fundamental Principles

Adam datasets were developed as part of the wider family of CDISC standards, ADaM carries this set of five fundamental principles:

Analysis datasets and their associated metadata must:

  • Clear and understandable communication
  • Tractability
  • Easy to use by other software
  • Accompanied by metadata (data about data)
  • Create data that is ready to be analysed

Quick and Easy

With therapy many patients come and go, therefore it is essential you keep a record of everything that has been going on, for example with medication. Within healthcare, and especially mental healthcare, it is often the case that you look back on previous data in order to move forward with the care plan. Having your data laid out in ADaM datasets will mean it’ll much quicker to read and easier to understand.


Probably one of the most important parts in running your clinic is to be completely transparent. In any business, in order to be successful the consumer needs to trust what the business is selling. They do this through reviews, legitimacy and word of mouth for example. It is not much different if you are running a mental health therapy clinic. You will need the backing of local doctors for referrals as well as good word of mouth/ positive online reviews in new patients join your clinic themselves. Using an ADaM datasets for all your trials and previous data will help retain stakeholders. Every business gets audited so having ADaM datasets for your audits is key. if you fail your audits then your business fails and in an idustry like this you only really get once chance to make a good, legititmate impression. ADaM datasets facilitates in data transparency as the full path is traced so nothing can be modified.

Clinical Trials

You may need to work with pharmacists to prescribe the correct medication for your patients, however you will also probably work with clinical trial researchers in order to help them in their studies. Clinical trial firms, such as Formedix use ADaM datasets to collect and show data that has been collected so being aware of this within your own clinic will really benefit the relationship you have with other healthcare professionals.

adam datasets